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About company

EZOP Slovakia s.r.o. (Ltd.) was founded in 1997 by majority shareholder - company EKOEZOP service, s.r.o. (Ltd.) And subsequently became a part of holding company EZOP Moravia a.s. (JSC) Czech Republic headquartered in Ostrava. The company’s job in Slovak Republic was to carry out tasks solving problems in the field of services aimed at complex activities for fuel pump stations, cleaning and inspection of storage tanks and maintenance.

Services overview

Cleaning, reconstruction, maintenance and repairs of crude-oil storage tanks Disassembly and demolition Inspection under the Slovak Technical Standard and preparation of inspection report Reconstruction of minor equipment for storage of oil products DSupplies, assembly and service of the top technological equipment of pump stations
EZOP Slovakia, s.r.o., Horné Naštice č. 207, 956 41 Horné Naštice
IČO: 36 296 546, DIČ: 2020174420, IČ DPH: SK2020174420

Spoločnosť zapísaná: Obchodný register Okresného súdu v Trenčíne, Oddiel: Sro., Vložka číslo: 10311/R

vedenie spoločnosti: + 421 38 / 760 77 42
+ 421 907 841 530
fax: + 421 38 / 760 77 42
e-mail: ezop@ezop.sk